Application Layout


The app toolbar provides the following functionality, from left to right:

  • Left Arrow/Menu button: allows the user to collapse and expand the Nav Tree
  • Title: shows the user which page they are currently looking at. Click on the text to navigate to another dashboard.
  • Settings button (only available to admins): open up the resource's configuration settings
  • Email: the logged-in user's email address
  • Log out button
  • Help button: brings you to this help page

Navigation Tree

On the left side of the app, underneath the LightLevel Logo is the Navigation Tree.

Type text into the search bar to filter resources in the Navigation Tree.

Nav Tree shows the user all of the Portfolios and Organizations they have a membership to. 

Click on the arrow next to a resource to collapse/expand the children of the resource.

Click on the name of the resource to navigate to that resource's Dashboard.

Beneath the Navigation Tree, are links to the Profile page, Application Admin page, Terms and Privacy disclosures.

Main Pages

A main page exists for each level of organization Hierarchy.

  • Portfolio: the root of the hierarchy, has many child organizations
  • Organization: has child sites
  • Site: has child data loggers
  • Data Logger: has one or two child meters, many child inverters, and many child sensors
  • Meter
  • Inverter
  • Sensor

note: user memberships exist for portfolios and organizations. Users may or may not be a member of a portfolio

Each Main Page has 3 navigable tabs

  • Dashboard: shows a high-level view of performance at each level of the organization hierarchy
  • Analysis: provides charting for digging deeper into the data of devices at each level
  • Configuration: For admins to set devices, edit user privileges, and configure alarm triggers


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