Configure, View, Generate Report


If reporting is enabled for the given resource (Organization or Site), a "Reports" tab will be available to Organization Users.

Reports Table

From the Reports tab, a user will be able to view a table of all reports available for the resource. Organization Admins can click on the edit button to activate or update a report.

In the table, users can see: 

- If auto-reporting is active

- Report name

- Period: how often a report is auto-generated

- Day: On which day of the month the report is auto generated

- View: if a report is active users can click on the list button to show all saved reports

Report Dialog

From the Report Dialog, Organization Users can:

- Activate a report

- Update the report's period, day, optional content, equipment text, and contact info.

For active reports, Organization Admins can also click on the ellipsis in the upper right hand corner to:

- Deactivate the report

- Subscribe/Unsubscribe

- Manually generate a report for a selected month

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