Reporting on LightLevel


If reporting is enabled for the Organization or Site, a "Reports" tab will be available to Organization Users.

Reports Table

From the Reports tab, a user will be able to view a table of all reports available for the resource. Organization Admins can click on the edit button to activate or update a report.

In the table, users can see: 

- If auto-reporting is active

- Report name

- Period: how often a report is auto-generated

- Day: On which day of the month the report is auto-generated

- View: if a report is active users can click on the list button to show all saved reports

Report Dialog

From the Report Dialog, Organization Users can:

- Activate a report

- Update the report's period, day, optional content, equipment text, and contact info.

For active reports, Organization Admins can also click on the ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner to:

- Deactivate the report

- Subscribe/Unsubscribe

- Manually generate a report for a selected month

Monthly Site Report Template

Production Summary

values correspond to the report month

  • Total Production per meter
  • Expected Production per meter

Daily Totals

Daily Production Sums per meter for every day in the given month

Optional Content

The following sections are not included by default. Organization Admins can configure the report to include or not include them.

Inverter Summary

Show the production total for the given month per inverter

Data Integrity

The Data Integrity score is a ratio of non-missing data points for a given

meter over a given period. Data loss is generally due to a loss of connectivity.

For example, a Data Integrity score of 1 means there were 0 missing data points for the given month. 

A Data integrity score of .97 means LightLevel didn't receive 3% of data that should have been reported in the given month.

Days with Missing Data

For each day with missing data, the number of data points missing is shown

Alarm Summary

Lists all alarms that were triggered during the report month, grouped by trigger.

Weather Corrected Expected Production

Shows expected vs actual production sums using viable data.

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