Inverter Triggers

Fault State Trigger

When new interval data comes in LightLevel will check the fault registers of an inverter and if any fault registers are active, will generate an alarm.

Bad Inverter Data

Every day, LightLevel will check inverter data from the previous day. If the inverter's max interval production is not above a percentage of the inverter's rated capacity (threshold), an alarm will be generated.

If the inverter's rated capacity is 25 kW, 28 kW, or 36 kW, that threshold is 55%.

If the inverter's rated capacity is 50 kW or 60 kW, that threshold is 70% most of the year. November - March that threshold ranges from 65% - 69%. 

If an alarm is generated, the alarm message will show you the maximum inverter production and the threshold used to generate the alarm.

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